Executive Etiquette Coaching     Communicating with Confidence     Image Consulting

Communicating with Confidence

Communicating with Confidence, Using the Language of Success

"Language is power, in ways more literal than most people think. When we speak, we exercise the power of language to transform reality. Why don't more of us realize the connection between language and power?" Julia Penelope

Have you ever noticed that some people command respect and attention? Their ideas are taken seriously while others with equally valuable or better ideas are ignored. From the moment you get your first internship, job interview, new position or promotion, you are being judged. Whether it's fair or not, everyone is judged by the way she looks, speaks and acts. Begin your career journey by using the language of power and confidence. Use strong language, effective grammar, and proper body language. Don't make mistakes that cause you to be passed over or ignored. You are valuable, so is what you have to say. Take that step to success by using the language of power and confidence.

Communicating with Confidence is provided through interactive workshops. Everyone actively participates in the lessons and leaves with an instructional workbook.

Communicating with Confidence Includes: Executive Presence, Speaking, Language Choice, Grammar and Body Language.